We have a lot of experience organizing conferences and large meetings. You have the ideas - let us help you make it happen.
We have been primary organizers of the following events:
NM Wellness Symposium:
A symposium focusing on alternative care and integrative medicine.
35 exhibitors, 40 speakers and over 250 attendees
Spies, Lies & Nukes
An intensive two-day conference that brings together experts with extraordinary experiences and access to the highest levels of US policy-makers. Our speakers consist of legendary intelligence officers who will discuss their perspectives and experiences on cyber warfare, covert action, international affairs, and nuclear proliferation.
BrainSTIM meetings:
One of the only meetings to focus on the combination of brain imaging & stimulation – this meeting brings together experts from around the world and provides students with the opportunity to present and learn from the best.
Well over 20 countries are represented
An average of 130 attendees, 6 keynote speakers, 15 presentations and over 40 poster presentations
2015 – Honolulu, HI
2016 – Geneva, Switerland
2017 – Vancouver, BC
2018 – Singapore
2019 - Rome
AAGTS Annual Gifted Conferences (Albuquerque Association for Gifted & Talented Students) from 2012 – 2017
This annual meeting serves to educate parents and educators about methods for teaching and advocating for gifted students.
Nationally known keynote speakers, workshops for parents & educators, vendors & exhibitors.